
Brisbane's Black & White taxi drivers give the public "Two to the Valley"

The driver of Brisbane Black and White Taxi T43 471 was either in a hell of a hurry because of some emergency or doesn't understand Queensland's Road Rules after his display of road rage on the Gateway Arterial on Saturday morning 28 June 2008.

Traffic was heavy with both lanes carrying vehicles northbound through the temporary 80kph section in the vicinity of Old Cleveland Road, where roadworks have required speed limit reductions.

But the 80kph limit was not enough for the driver of Taxi T43 471 with a B&W sign on top of his vehicle, proudly displaying by his antics that B&W drivers like him don't care about the road rules or speed limits.

He continually darted from the left lane to the right lane and back again, at one stage cutting off a driver sticking religiously to the 80kph limit.

In one dangerous manoeuvre, this taxi driver cut across the two lanes of traffic and extended his white, long sleeved arm full length out of the window managing to straighten his third and fourth fingers in a simultaneous horizontal and vertical display which would have brought credit to a top spin delivery by Shane Warne.

This driver then proceeded north at speeds approaching an estimated 100kph before being forced to stop at the Gateway Toll booth with six cars in front of him.

So, what did he do? He shoved the same arm out of the window in an exasperated rolling motion as if to tell the drivers in front of him to hurry up and clear the way for him.

This is one angry driver on the books of Black and White Taxis who will cause a serious accident one day.

A call to B&W Cabs to report this driver brought a pleasant response and a promise to investigate the matter.

The sooner B&W Cabs and the Queensland Department of Transport take this guy off the road the better.

Is this the new B&W Cabs official welcome by its Brisbane drivers
to the citizens of southeast Queensland?

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