
Steve Greenwood is out of his depth in Property Council's bunfight against the Queensland Government

Steve Greenwood - junior
Queensland political prize
fighter who flies like a
butterfly and stings like
a mosquito!

The self-appointed Queensland Opposition Leader Steve Greenwood, Executive Director of the Property Council of Australia, is at it again.

This junior prize fighter of Queensland politics has authorised another round of bare-knuckled, full-page newspaper advertisements attacking the State Government for its plan to restore 60 years of land valuation methodology which was recently overturned by the Land Appeal Court.

The latest advertisement is full of errors, spurious arguments and idiotic claims.

Under Steve Greenwood's stewardship, the Property Council has become nothing but a puppet for the LNP in Queensland.

Anna Bligh is on the right track on this issue with legislation designed to protect ordinary Queenslanders from exorbitant rate rises.

Why should the punters of Goodna or Bellbird Park or Springfield have to pay more rates while businesses pay less!

That's what Steve Greenwood wants.

But the worst part of Steve Greenwood's latest, pugilistic rantings is that he has somehow managed to rope in the Queensland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the UDIA, QHA, REIQ, MTA and the Shopping Centre Council of Australia to help his ill-conceive anti-Labor campaign.

Steve Greenwood has forever politicised the Property Council of Australia and sooner or later his bosses will realise his purely petty, political little campaign has backfired, rendering the Property Council a political neuter in the State of Queensland forever.

Lightweight Steve Greenwood is out for the count on this issue and it's still only Round 2 in this mismatch against the heavyweights of Queensland politics.

He should throw in the towel now so he might one day still be able to make a comeback in his own lightweight division.

Anna Bligh should now ensure this legislation is passed swiftly through the Parliament.
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