Personalised Plates Queensland (PPQ) is still peddling dubious number plates for a quick buck, irrespective of the poor taste often involved.
As at 8.30pm on 15 February 2011, their website was showing each of the following combinations available for a whopping $2295 a set:
Queensland Consumer Watch has previously raised the unacceptability of some of the plate combinations on offer from PPQ but the almighty dollar seems more important to the clowns running PPQ than a sense of decency regarding the number plates appearing on Queensland vehicles.
PPQ has a duty to the people of Queensland over this issue.

It's whether or not the Queensland Government considers these sorts of number plates acceptable on the states' roads.
If not, the BIG DIC running PPQ should be given the Royal Order of the Boot for allowing these sorts of plates to be purchased online.
It is clear that PPQ doesn't care about any sense of decency or decorum on our roads, but just how much cash keeps rolling in for their ripoff plates.
Former Main Roads Minister Russ Hinze - who introduced personalised plates into Queensland - would turn in his grave if he could see the corporate debacle now posing as PPQ.