This site is dedicated to providing consumer advice and the protection of consumer rights of Queenslanders by exposing blatant commercial exploitation, consumer ripoffs and unacceptable business practices. The site includes up-to-date local, national and world news headlines.
Illegal matchmaking still pulls big bucks
The Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading Peter Lawlor has issued this warning against a Gold Coast-based agency:
Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading
The Honourable Peter Lawlor
No love from these introduction agents
The operator of a Gold Coast introduction agency has been ordered back to court following allegations that she is defying an earlier ban which restrained her from providing introduction services to Queensland residents.
Minister for Fair Trading Peter Lawlor said Helen Dimitrijevski, the alleged operator of Love Network Queensland Pty Ltd, was today (27 December 2009) served with court documents in relation to action commenced by both Queensland and New South Wales Fair Trading agencies.
The Queensland proceedings allege contempt of court.
In 2003 Helen Dimitrijevski, her husband Zivko Dimitrijevski and TLC Consulting Services Pty Ltd were ordered to cease providing introduction services to Queensland residents by the Queensland Supreme Court.
The New South Wales Office of Fair Trading has also filed proceedings in the New South Wales Supreme Court against Helen Dimitrijevski, Zivko Dimitrijevski and Hollie Veall in relation to TLC Consulting Services Pty Ltd which had been operating as an introduction agency in Tweed Heads, NSW since being banned from providing introduction services in Queensland.
The food is fine but the signage is 25 years out of date
But their signage is about 25 years out of date.
Prominent signs proclaim they will not accept damaged paper money.
We haven't had paper money in Australia for over a quarter of a century.
Maybe the sign refers to the crumpled up Yen which they are sometimes offered.
Very quaint the Japanese!
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Irish Gypsies back in Queensland with old consumer ripoff
They have targeted Ipswich in the past and were last reported on Brisbane's southside.
Ipswich residents - particularly those in the eastern suburbs - should be on the lookout for these swindlers.
Last time, one businessman at Lower Cross Street Goodna was swindled out of thousands of dollars over a dodgy bitumen job.
The Irish Gypsies laid white sand over the top of their sub-standard work, telling the small business owner the sand was needed to "cure" the bitumen.
Only when the sand washed away a few days later, did the extent of the wafer thin coating of bitumen become obvious.
The Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading has issued the following warning against these dodgy characters:
Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading
The Honourable Peter Lawlor
Dodgy bitumen trader alert for Brisbane southside area
Fair Trading Minister Peter Lawlor today warned residents around Eight Mile Plains and Acacia Ridge to beware of dodgy bitumen traders targeting the area.
Mr Lawlor said the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) had received information of residents being approached by a group of men offering to lay hot mix driveways.
"The group consists of a male with a strong Irish accent and four or five males who are the labourers," Mr Lawlor said.
"They have approached people saying they have left over bitumen from their last job.
"They do the driveway job and give a price on completion. The work is sub-standard and cash is usually always demanded."
Mr Lawlor said one Acacia Ridge resident who agreed to the work was sprung with a $5,000 bill.
"No upfront quote was given so the resident was alarmed at the cost and also intimidated by the group of men, who demanded their money," he said.
"Another resident in Eight Mile Plains paid $9,000."
Mr Lawlor said anyone approached by the men should try and get their vehicle registration details and advise the OFT immediately on 13 13 04.
He said these particular traders had been previously spotted in the Bayside area and that they may be operating in surrounding suburbs or regions now.
Under the Fair Trading Act 1989, door-to-door sales of any goods or service of more than $75 must come with a 10 day cooling off period and payment cannot be made until after then.
Buyers should get two forms - one explaining the cooling off period and one which can be used to cancel the contract if so desired.
"Door-to-door traders must produce an identity card with the dealer's full name and address," Mr Lawlor said.
"They are only allowed to contact customers between 9am and 6pm from Monday to Friday, and 9am and 5pm on Saturdays.
"Fines of up to $54,000 apply to individuals and $270,000 to companies for breaches of the Fair Trading Act."
Report any scams or suspicious offers to the Office of Fair Trading at or call 13 13 04
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New internet scam hits Australia
The scams seem innocent enough with the simple advice in the latest scam that the recipient has won 750,000 Great Britain Pounds.
I then asks only for the person's Name, Age and Country.
All pretty innocent until the final sting when they ask for your bank account details supposedly to deposit the winnings into.
Within minutes, your bank account is stripped of all its funds.
This can happen to hundreds of internet users at a time as the result of just one worldwide email.
Be warned and warn your friends, especially those new to the internet.
This is the full text of the latest scam email:
From: Irish News Centre
You won 750,000 GBP.
Send: Name, Age, Country
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Latest internet scam hits Australia overnight
£750,000 UK to unsuspecting internet users who pass on their personal details.
Be warned and warn your friends.
The Australian Government should use it anti-spam powers to stop these emails flooding Australia which are financially destructive to many trusting Australian families.
This is a copy of the latest scam email:
FROM: Official Notice
You are awarded 750,000.00 Pounds by the British Toyota Promotion, Provide your *Full Names: *Address: *Occupation
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A Mighty Angry Australian Fast Food Bunfight!
Just when everyone has had a total gutful of McDonald's Mighty Angus Burgers, Hungry Jack's has weighed into the Australian beef bunfight with its own Angry Angus Burger.
No one in Australia could tell the difference between one of McDonald's traditional fatty patties or their overpriced, not-so-fancy Angus beef patties which have been raking in untold profits for the company's headquarters in the United States.
Only a dill - or Clive Palmer with money to burn - would fork out for a McDonald's Mighty Angus Mighty Ordinary Burger.
The sooner Australian punters boycott these slick and not-so-special promotions the better.
But not to be outdone by Maccas, Hungry Jack's has now launched its very own Angry Angus Burger.
But the Angry Angus also fails the taste test with the meat patty being totally indistinguishable from Hungry Jack's normal fatty fare.
Too little, too late by HJs.
But there is one other problem for the marketing gurus at Hungry Jack's.
The average customer would feel like a complete dill ordering an "Angry Angus".
Whichever fresh-faced marketing graduate came up with such an idiotic name should be given the Royal Order of the Boot by Hungry Jack's.
What will their overcharging marketeers think of next:
- Demented Fish and Chips
- Pathetic Pepperoni Pizza; or what about
- Maniac Meat Pie.
The sooner the Mighty Angus and Angry Angus hit the dustbins of disgust the better.
Give me a Cheeseburger or Aussie Burger any day.
On second thoughts, I'll give both of them a big miss cos I'm Mighty Angry with all this crap.
PS - Today, I heard one poor bugger at Hungry Jacks ordering an Angry Anus. I suppose that's a bit better than ordering a Mighty Anus from McDonald's!
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Do you have a GPS or Mobile Phone?
A couple of weeks ago a friend told me that someone she knew had their car broken into while they were at a football game.
Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans.
Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had been prominently mounted on the dashboard.
When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen.
The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house.
They then used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house.
The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean out the house.
It would appear that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its contents.
Something to consider if you have a GPS - don't put your home address in it.
Put a nearby address (like a store or gas station) so you can still find your way home if you need to, but no one else would know where you live if your GPS were stolen.
I never thought of this.......
This lady has now changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile phone after her handbag was stolen.
Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet etc was stolen.
20 minutes later when she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened, hubby says 'I received your text asking about our Pin number and I've replied a little while ago.
'When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn.
The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text 'hubby' in the contact list and got hold of the pin number.
Within 20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from their bank account.
Moral of the lesson:
Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your contact list.
Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad,Mom, etc....
And very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling back.
Also, when you're being text by friends or family to meet them somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from them.
If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet 'family and friends' who text you.
I never thought about the above!
As of now, I no longer have 'home' listed on my cell phone.
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Brisbane's Black and White Cabs are a national disgrace
When Black and White cab driver John Busst of suburban Annerley in Brisbane offered "good old fashioned service" to his customers, what did the clowns running the B & W company do?
They sacked him!
B & W cabs already have a poor reputation for customer service in Brisbane, now they have banned an honest driver in a totally un-Australian way.
Despite the bleatings of B & W boss Greg Webb that John Busst is a "rogue driver", the public will never see it that way.
It is incredible that in this day and age, someone could be sacked for being an honest, hard-working individual.
Shame on B & W cabs.
Brisbane commuters should vote with their feet and boycott this un-Australian cab company.
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Woolworths marketing gurus should go back to school!
Surely their marketing brains trust knows the difference between "affected" and "effected".
Bloody hopeless!
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Channel 9 gives Queensland viewers second class service
It is absurd that the result of the game was broadcast on Brisbane radio stations an hour before the delayed telecast finished.
It's bad enough to have to endure Channel 7's delayed telecast of the Australian Tennis Open from Melbourne every year.
Now, Rugby League has succumbed to this second rate service.
Maybe, Pay TV is really the answer to this problem despite the current campaign by the free-to-air networks to stop any inroads by pay television into their traditional territory.
Viewers would prefer to pay for live coverage of big events than a less-than-live offering by the networks.
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Oh dear, oh dear - what is happening to the Queen's English?
Take for example:
• "lieutenant" which has become the Yankee "loo tenant" instead of "lef tenant";
• "forehead" which is pronounced by ill-educated newsreaders as "four head" and not "forrid";
• "Sarah Moaney" instead of, for example, the Olympic "Serraminy"; and
• The Federal seat of Batman, correctly pronounced "Batmin", being described after the comic book hero "Bat Man".
But the depths to which this Americanisation has sunk could not be better exemplified than on the 6am 4BH News today when it was solemnly declared by the female newsreader that protesters at Sherwood would be marching against a planned "Dee Poh" in the suburb.
Bloody hell.
I suppose the next thing we will have to endure is the official re-naming of the Toowong Bus "Deppo" (as in Depot) to the Toowong Bus "Dee Poh".
Plus all of the other suburban Bus "Dee Pohs" as well.
Campbell Newman could be kept busy for weeks with all of the official renaming ceremonies.
Where do these newsreaders get these crazy pronunciations from and why are they paid good money for us to listen to these verbal oddities?
Do you have any other examples of this creeping Americanisation of our language?
Email us at and let us share more of these amazing bloopers.
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Redbank crane driver hands himself in to police and is facing workplace health and safety charges and possible traffic charges
He had been confronted with worldwide publicity of his terrifying ride down Brisbane Road Redbank on Wednesday night when his crane ripped out electrical wires and Pay TV cables as well as splitting an electricity pole in two outside the Commercial Hotel.
The driver disappeared towards Goodna quicker than the pub patrons could say: "Let's have another beer".
Now, Workplace Health and Safety Officials are investigating the matter and the Goodna Police are also considering laying charges.
Local residents are asking if this driver is still working for the Origin Alliance Project and if and when he will be stood down for his death-defying antics in the main street of Redbank.
Good questions indeed!
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Howard as head of the NRL? You've got to be joking.
Just when the buffoons running the National Rugby League are trying to get over another terrible year, they hatch a devious plot to resurrect John Howard as the boss of the NRL.
Little Johnny may have some skills, but running the major football code in Australia doesn't seem to be one of them.
David Gallop should give the game away if this is the best he can do to revitalise this national icon.
Prime Minister Howard was booed off every football oval he attended in Australia and you don't have to be Einstein to figure out the same would happen if he became the NRL boss.
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Ipswich City Council set to declare extended koala protection areas
(Courtesy BTQ 7)
Ipswich City Council is preparing new maps to extend koala protection areas across the city, including existing zones as well as significant adjacent areas identified for koala food tree planting.
Several investigation areas have been identified to further examine additional areas for possible protection.
This is on top of Ipswich's "one-for-one" replacement policy adopted in 2007 which requires all developers to replace trees removed during the development process, whether or not they are koala-friendly trees.
Ipswich is Queensland's most koala friendly city.
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Channel 9 annoys and deceives viewers across Australia
With Samoans, Tongans and other Pacific Islanders around Australia waiting on news of their loved ones, what did Channel 9 do?
It allowed the idiotic escapades of PluckA Duck and other clueless imbeciles to run over by a disgraceful 25 minutes.
This is an appalling gaffe by Channel 9 which has lost the goodwill of thousands of Australian viewers with relatives in the South Pacific.
These people deserve a massive apology from the Nine Network of Australia.
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Ipswich Police Operation Tutorial helps keep local schools safe
Operation Tutorial involves police undertaking foot patrols through local schools at random times.
This is a much-needed initiative to reduce vandalism, graffiti and arson attacks in our schools.
The sight of a police uniform is usually enough to make these gutless wonders scram.
And 40 years ago, a boot up the bum from the local police sergeant would make sure you didn't come back.
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McDonald's Grand Angus is a Mighty Big Rip-off of Australian and NZ consumers
The glitzy television advertisements are spiced up to make the Angus beef burgers look like McDonald's answer to the Brisbane's Breakfast Creek Hotel's famous steak house.
Sumptuous images of first-class beef adorned with all the usual accoutrements would be enough tickle the taste buds of the most-fastidious gastronomic expert.
After all, prime Angus beef is a commodity not usually affordable by average Aussie and NZ punters in these tough economic times.
So, McDonald's tempting advertisements would be enough to get any family to part with their cash for this fantastic offer.
That is until you bite into the sour dough bun and are confronted with the usual style of fatty pattie sold by McDonald's for more than four decades.
You haven't been served a prime cut of Angus beef - you've been served a compressed bloody rissole!
You've received a crappy beef burger from a deceased Angus cow whose meat, fat and gristle have been chopped, sliced, minced and diced, then squeezed together into a round piece of junk food and served up to unsuspecting customers.
What are the ACCC, Consumer Bureaux and Offices of Fair Trading doing about this blatant consumer ripoff?
This is not a juicy slice of Angus beef being served to McDonald's customers but a blatant consumer deception from their monotonous suite of happy crappy meals.
McDonald's should pull these ads or face prosecution by the Australian and New Zealand authorities.
And the sooner the better!
They advertise this so-called gourmet beef as "a little bit fancy".
Fair dinkum. The spin doctors working for McDonald's would make the Boston Strangler look like a respectable citizen.
There are all sorts of burgers - hamburgers, beef burgers, steak burgers and now what McDonald's calls its "fancy" Grand Angus and Mighty Angus burgers.
They're about as fancy as the joy of a Queensland cop Tasering you up the backside for a speeding offence!
Consumers should vote with their feet and say no to McDonald's advertising which, in the mind of the average consumer, is clearly misleading and deceptive.
Which would put it fairly and squarely in breach of section 52 of the Commonwealth Trade Practices Act.
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Toowong to Everton Park tunnel is fine but what about eliminating the historic Moggill Ferry
This futuristic plan would link the Western Freeway with the Bruce Highway.
But what really needs to happen is the scrapping of the Moggill Ferry linking the Brisbane suburb of Moggill with the Ipswich suburb of Riverview.
This 1878 relic of our past originally linked the two fledgling suburbs on either side of the Brisbane River in bygone days when Cobb & Co coaches plied the route from Brisbane to Ipswich.
The Moggill Ferry is currently out of operation for its biennial servicing.
The extra 32km round trip this is causing for motorists shows how important this link is.
A bridge needs to be constructed across the Brisbane River as part of a major western ring road.
The most-sensible place would be at Gailes as a northerly extension of the Logan Motorway across the Brisbane River to Priors Pocket and then through Moggill and the north-western suburbs of Brisbane to link with the Bruce Highway.
The key advantage of a cross-river bridge at Gailes is that is would serve the people of Ipswich and Logan City as well as the western suburbs of Brisbane.
The western suburbs silver-tails might object to this new road through the rarefied atmosphere of Moggill Heights but planning for a major western Brisbane ring road is imperative with the population explosion set for southeast Queensland in the next 20 years.
The Moggill Ferry might be a quaint historic addition to the landscape of Greater Brisbane but a 131 year old vehicular cable ferry is hardly a modern means of transport between the state capital and Queensland's first provincial city.
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Office of Fair Trading secures $23,000 fine against unlicensed motor dealer Michael James Harradine
Mr Harradine's licence was cancelled 4 years ago.
Members of the public are being warned by the Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading Peter Lawlor about this character.
Hopefully, Harradine has learnt his well-deserved lesson the hard way.
This is the full text of today's media release by the Minister:
Minister for Tourism and Fair Trading
The Honourable Peter Lawlor
Doolandella man fined $23,000
A Doolandella man has been fined a total of $23,000 after pleading guilty to selling motor vehicles without a licence.
Michael James Harradine appeared in the Richlands Magistrates Court on the 14th September and pleaded guilty to one charge of unlicensed motor dealing and five charges of making false and misleading representations from an address at Doolandella and one charge of unlicensed motor dealing from an address in Toowoomba.
Minister for Fair Trading Peter Lawlor said the charges were a result of an investigation by Office of Fair Trading officers.
"Mr Harradine's motor dealers' licence had been cancelled in 2005," Mr Lawlor said.
"However, when OFT officers attended his home in Doolandella they found he had several vehicles at his residence for sale," he said.
"These vehicles were advertised in newspapers and on the internet as being for sale.
"In addition, Mr Harradine gave false information to the purchasers about the background of the vehicles he was selling.
"The misleading information included that the vehicles had been owned by various relatives of Mr Harradine and that he had personally worked on one of the vehicles as a mechanic.
"Mr Harradine told investigators he told fibs or stretched the truth when telling people details about the vehicles.
"OFT officers also identified that Mr Harradine was operating out of business address in Toowoomba dealing in used motorcycles.
"The Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act is in place to protect consumers against unscrupulous people who operate outside the law.
"Mr Harradine received a significant fine for these offences which is indicative of how seriously these types of offences are viewed.
"Consumers should be able to have confidence that they are working with a licensed motor dealer and that details about the vehicle they are interested in purchasing are correct."
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Benjamin Wayne Gough - Manager Harcourts Bundaberg features on Today Tonight
Today Tonight ran a story this evening over the actions of Ben Gough in buying and selling a property on the same day at a substantial profit.
He claims he was acting legally and ethically.
That's not what the sellers think.
What does the Queensland State Manager of Harcourts think?
Have you had any dealings with Ben Gough?
Let us know at: Queensland Consumer
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SILKSTONE STATE SCHOOL: Devastating fire may rekindle Blackstone and Dinmore fight
The on-going fight to save the Blackstone and Dinmore State Schools from closure at the end of the year may have been given an unexpected boost by today's tragic Silkstone State School fire.
With all schools set to re-open in 2 weeks, the State Government needs to make an urgent decision to bring in numerous demountables to Silkstone or to use the Blackstone and Dinmore State Schools as the on-going bases for local schools servicing the Blackstone, Silkstone and Dinmore areas.
Either way, with the Blackstone and Dinmore State Schools facing a forced permanent closure in 12 weeks and with no chance of the Silkstone State School being rebuilt before the start of the 2010 school year, the State Government now has a clear choice of keeping both the Blackstone and Dinmore State Schools open.
Rebuilding the Silkstone State School will take time but keeping the Blackstone and Dinmore State Schools open in 2010 while the future of the Silkstone site is considered is a simple decision which the State Government should make immediately.
People power may yet prevail in Blackstone and Dinmore!
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IPSWICH: First pic of today's Silkstone State School Fire
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Media Release: Call for compulsory sprinkler systems following today's Silkstone State School fire
Silkstone State School Fire - Call for sprinkler systems in all schools
A call has been made for all Queensland schools to be fitted with sprinkler systems in the wake of today's disastrous Silkstone State School fire.
Ipswich Councillor Paul Tully said barely a school holiday went by without a school fire somewhere in Queensland.
Cr Tully said it was only the second day of the school holidays and one of Ipswich's major state schools had been burnt to the ground.
"This is unlikely to be the last school fire in Queensland this year.
"I am calling for the compulsory introduction of sprinkler systems in all schools across the state.
"The cost of fitting sprinkler systems would be far less in the long run than the ongoing cost of rebuilding burnt schools."
Cr Tully said an arson attack at the Goodna State School could have been averted three years ago if a sprinkler system had been installed.
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James Hardie declared Australia's most disgraceful company
- James Hardie declared Australia's most disgraceful company after revealing plans to sue Queensland Council -
James Hardie has been declared Australia's most-disgraceful company after it was revealed it is suing Ipswich City Council to recover $195,000 the company paid to a former worker who was exposed to asbestos from the company's products.
In a bizarre twist to last year's successful legal claim against the company by a former council worker for exposure to asbestos, the company is now suing to recover the money from the Ipswich Council.
The worker - Anthony Cannon - was employed by Ipswich City Council for six weeks in 1976.
James Hardie settled the action but is now attempting to recover its payout to the worker.
Ipswich City Councillor Paul Tully, a 30-year veteran of local government, has blasted James Hardie claiming it is the "most-disgraceful, penny-pinching company in Australia".
Cr Tully said the company's latest tactic of trying to shift the legal blame from themselves to individual users of their asbestos products was a "national disgrace".
"This company has destroyed workers' lives across Australia and is now trying to find a scapegoat for the numerous legal actions which it has unsuccessfully defended.
"This company has been proven to have been grossly negligent with its asbestos products and is now attempting to pass the buck.
"Why should ratepayers have to fork out their money to pay for James Hardie's negligence.
"Local government will stand up to this company and fight these absurd claims."
Cr Tully called on the new directors of James Hardie to drop its legal action in the Queensland District Court as a sign of good faith that it finally accepts its responsibility to Australia's asbestosis sufferers.
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New Internet scam hits Australia overnight
This one is different from the usual ripoffs in which people are offered untold riches ranging from lottery winnings to deceased estates.
This one demands payment of a non-existent debt from unsuspecting internet users, under threat of legal action.
It even lists PayPal as a means of payment to get the lawyers off your back.
The Australian Government has the legal means to stop these sorts of bogus emails entering Australia.
The government requires ISPs to have filters to stop porn and terrorism but not fraudulent emails which can have a massive financial effect on unsuspecting families.
Be warned - and warn your friends.
This is a copy of the latest scam:
From: rieth, luciano
Subject: Overdue Notice
AMOUNT: 0.00
RATE: 0.00
FEES: 0.00
PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK TO MAKE YOUR PAYMENT: bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8140548
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Cr Matthew Bourke caught almost with his pants down

PIC: Brisbane Councillor Matthew Bourke
undressed by The Courier-Mail
He's a Liberal, single and loves showing off his inner self in public.
That's Matthew Bourke, Councillor for the conservative Centenary suburbs who has drawn the ire of Lord Mayor Campbell Newman for his provocative Daddy Cool performance at a University of Queensland Liberal Club function.
Well Matthew - all we can say is all ass and no class!
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Today Tonight gives Aldi Ipswich cheap fruit and vegetable tick of approval
Forget the ripoffs in Brisbane, shop in Ipswich.
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Another Telstra shambles at North Ipswich
From the look of it, it has been like this for months - with Telstra nowhere to be seen.
We have received reports that at least four people stumbled into this trap this evening after leaving the late-finishing Ipswich Rugby League Grand Final at The Oval.
Telstra hasn't picked up its game in the past year in solving The Great Ipswich Manhole Debacle.
Which wouldn't surprise anyone given Telstra's greater concern for its shareholders back pockets than the welfare of the long-suffering public.
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Main Roads Minister spot on over speed warning
You can see it every day and night on the Ipswich Motorway between Dinmore and Darra with lead foots flashing through roadsworks areas endangering workers lives.
It's next to impossible to catch offenders with radar guns because there is nowhere to pull them over.
Perhaps, the State Government should introduce speed cameras routinely in works zones around the state.
The hip pocket is a powerful tool in traffic enforcement and the only one which seems to work.
Graphic pictures, ministerial pleas and police warnings are routinely ignored by these speedsters.
Most people baulk at so-called revenue raising enforcement where drivers are caught a few clicks over the limit but no one should object to strenuous traffic enforcement aimed at saving road workers from death or serious injury.
This is the text of the Minister's Media Release:
Minister for Main Roads
The Honourable Craig Wallace
Slow down and obey the signs, Minister urges
Main Roads Minister Craig Wallace is urging motorists to slow down and keep calm while driving through roadworks, following continued reports of poor driver behaviour across the state.
Mr Wallace said while the department's Safety Around Roadworks campaign had been successful in raising awareness, some motorists were still putting roadworkers' lives at risk by driving aggressively and impatiently through roadwork sites.
"Since the launch of the safety campaign in 2005, there has been increased awareness in the community on safety around roadworks, however we are still hearing about poor driver behaviour resulting in casualties at roadworks," he said.
"Few worksites present as many risks as do roadworks, and drivers have to realise when they ignore reduced speed limits and drive dangerously through these sites, they are endangering the lives of the men and women who are simply trying to do their jobs.
"These workers are helping to deliver a record road construction program to benefit Queenslanders, and while I understand the frustration motorists sometimes feel as a result of roadworks, there is simply no need for drivers to take their frustrations out on workers."
Mr Wallace said statistics show that from 2005 to 2008, there were 71 reported casualties as a result of crashes where roadworks were one contributing factor.
"These statistics do not include the many incidents which are not reported or the types of road user behaviour some roadworkers experience daily.
"The Roadworker Safety Hotline, which is open to Transport and Main Roads employees, has received 82 calls this year, with reports of workers receiving verbal abuse, vehicles weaving into the worksite, and even objects being hurled at workers," he said.
"In June alone there were 12 reported incidents of dangerous driver behaviour.
"Of those, four involved drivers speeding and eight involved motorists failing to stop at either traffic lights or hand-held signage. Several involved drivers ignoring signage and entering closed off lanes, into the path of oncoming traffic.
"In one particular case, a motorist ignored a traffic controller's instructions and proceeded to drive through witches hats and barriers and entered a closed off lane, driving over an island and across southbound lanes."
Mr Wallace said it was disturbing that some of the incidents even involved professional drivers.
"Roadworkers have witnessed truck drivers and bus drivers speeding and ignoring traffic directions," he said.
"And it seems that even children think it's okay to disrespect roadworkers, with one busload of children pelting a work crew with food from a school bus window.
"People have got to get the message that this is kind of behaviour is not okay - it's disrespectful, it's foolish and it's downright dangerous."
Mr Wallace said motorists driving without due care faced fines and demerit points, and the cost of damage to their vehicles.
"The majority of drivers drive sensibly around roadworks, but a minority show either complete disregard or ignorance of the potential risks," he said.
"There is no excuse for some of the appalling driver behaviour roadworkers have to put up with, and the department is working hard to address this and get the message through to motorists.
"It's simple - slow down, drive to changed conditions and obey signage and road traffic controllers' directions."
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Lloyd Bird passes away this evening
Ipswich wildlife expert Ric Nattrass passes away
(Courtesy TVQ Channel 10)
Ipswich wildlife expert and Bellbird Park resident Ric Nattrass has passed away overnight.
Ric was a highly-regarded environmental expert with an unequalled knowledge of Queensland fauna and flora.
He gave many years of his life to the Ipswich Koala Protection Society formerly known as the Woogaroo Koala Protection Society.
In 2006, Ipswich City Council honoured him with the naming of the Ric Nattrass Environmental Park between Bertha Street Goodna and Fiona Street Bellbird Park.
Ric was a wildlife raconteur, writer, and radio presenter on the ABC and 4BC.
Above all, he was a great person with a real love of life who will be very sadly missed by his family and many friends.
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CMC enquiry is politically-motivated by failed Liberal leader Dr "Do Little" Flegg
The CMC enquiry into State Government sports funding should dig deeper than a cursory look at the percentage of funding going into Labor electorates.
There is a very logical and rational reason for this - Labor electorates need the funding because of more than 30 years of National-Liberal governments in Queensland which systematically siphoned money into conservative electorates at the expense of Labor electorates.
The current government is simply ensuring that the limited funding is targeted into the areas of most need.
And despite the political protestations of the toffee-nosed Tories of Kenmore, the magnificent ovals and complex adjacent to Cubberla Creek are something the battlers in many parts of Queensland can only dream of.
The Member for Moggill Bruce Flegg seems to have woken from his winter hibernation like a half-euthanised Canadian bear.
But his dreary utterances on this issue are nothing more than a political beat-up by Dr Do Little who should self-diagnose himself into a much-needed permanent political retirement.
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Gold Coast Council snaps over Snapper Rocks Memorials
(Courtesy QTQ Channel 9)
Gold Coast CIty Council must have had a brain implosion when it removed family plaques installed on the beach at Snapper Rocks.
With no community consultation, heartless bureaucrats removed the plaques erected by family members in memory of loved ones lost in the sea.
If local government is supposedly the level of government closest to the people, the Gold Coast City Council makes its supposed concerns for the people look like a cross between democracy in Communist China and Soviet Russia.
Shame, shame, shame!
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Moreton Bay Regional Council loses bid to sack staff
Delegates from the state's councils rejected a controversial motion by Moreton Bay Mayor Allan Sutherland by 90 votes to 84.
Moreton Bay Council had sought a change to state legislation which protected workers' jobs in the wake of the forced amalgamations of councils in 2008.
Ipswich delegate Councillor Paul Tully spoke against the motion saying it was contrary to agreements made two years ago by the State Government, Councils, Unions and the LGAQ.
"This motion should be defeated because it is nothing more than an attack on the rights of council workers.
"Moreton Bay Council has already made savings of $19.2 million as a result the amalgamation but still wants the right to slash and burn workers," Cr Tully said.
Earlier in the day, the Local Government Minister Desley Boyle ruled out any change to the existing legislation sought by Moreton Bay Council.
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Fake email scam warning
This is an outrageous scam offering over 4 million British pounds to unsuspecting claimants.
All the scammers are after is your bank details to strip your funds out of your account or they ask for progressively-increasing amounts to enable the non-existent "winning" payment to be verified and paid.
Be warned and warn your friends.
This is a copy of the latest scam:
From: Arshad Iftikhar, Mr
Subject: Contact me via my private e-mail:
Good day,
My name is Mr. Arshad Iftikhar, I work with Euro Lottery here in UK as the operations manager who generate weekly winning numbers.
I wish to offer you an opportunity to become one of our lottery winners with a cash prize of £4,528,000 GBP only if you would agree to give me 35% of your cash prize.
Just as a brief, due to my position in the company I can make it happen that you would be a winner of the above stated amount in our Euro Million Lotto Program.
Naturally, every body would like to play a lottery if they are assured of winning and I am assuring you today, I can make you a winner if you would accept this offer/condition.
I expect you don't take this for granted because this is once in a life time opportunity as we both stand to collectively gain from this at the success of the transaction.
Please contact me immediately through my private email:
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US Court forces Google to name blogger
Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Joan Madden has ordered Google to release the blogger's name to Ms Cohen so she can commence defamation proceedings against the secret writer.
Bloggers and twitterers be warned: The secret society of the internet has abruptly ended with this landmark judgment.
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Media Release: Gold Coast Mayor slammed for calling Ipswich residents "lower-class leftovers"
Cr Clarke told the Gold Coast Council meeting: "If Ipswich has won it, how prestigious can it be?"
He has described Ipswich residents as "lower-class leftovers" who couldn't afford to live in Brisbane or the Gold Coast.
Goodna Councillor Paul Tully, Queensland's longest-serving City Councillor, has slammed Cr Clarke saying his on-going personal denigration of Ipswich was a scandalous attack on the city's 160,000 residents.
Cr Tully has invited the Gold Coast Mayor to Goodna's historic Royal Mail hotel to explain his views to the local residents whom he describes as the "salt of the earth".
"I challenge Ron Clarke to come to Goodna any Friday afternoon and repeat his comments that we are lower-class leftovers.
"He wouldn't have the guts to turn up knowing his much-needed pugilistic skills were well-short of his former athletic ability.
"He would be tarred and feathered before he could get back to his mayoral limousine.
"The 140-year old Royal Mail hotel is where political arguments are still settled in the old fashioned way as they were in the days when the Cobb & Cobb coaches stopped at the front door.
"The mayoralty has gone to Ron Clarke's head as he condemns and criticises the residents of Queensland's oldest provincial city."
Cr Tully said the people of the Gold Coast should give Ron Clarke the Royal Order of the Boot.
"He has gone too far this time.
"Ron Clarke should stick with his toffee-nosed, chardonnay-drinking, white shoe brigade mates on the Gold Coast before he criticises another city.
"I doubt he has ever been to Ipswich but I can assure him of a civic reception he will never forget if takes up my challenge to explain himself at the Royal Mail Hotel at Goodna," Cr Tully said.
19 August 2009
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International Internet scams are becoming more sophisticated!
Gold, Gold, Gold.
What could be more-inducing than an offer of untold golden riches.
This scam offers cheap gold dust but is nothing more than complete bull dust.
This scam looks innocent enough with no upfront demand for name, date of birth or bank account details.
But as sure as night follows day, the request for personal information will come later - with disastrous financial consequences for anyone sucked into this scam.
Be warned - trash this scam immediately.
This is a copy of the latest poorly-worded email scam:
From: keita, modibo
Subject: Gold proposal
Dear sir,
My Name Is Mr. Modibo keita A Native Of Sanso Community In Morila-Sikasso Region Of Rep. Of Mali French Speaking West African Country.
I Am a Member of the Said Community and Head of Sales, Marketing, advertising, communication and sourcing agent for our Gold Dust AU.
Prior To The Latest Privilege Accorded Local Gold Miners In Mali Since April 2007 To Market And Sell Gold Dust Au Themselves, Thus My Offer To All Gold Dust Prospective Buyers Willing To Establish Meaningful Business Transaction That Is Viable And Durable with us.
We Are Trying to Explore the Gold Dust Au International Market Now a days.
Hence, I'm offering you a Fresh Gold Dust AU for Sale with the Following Specifications
Commodity...................... ...........Aurum Utalium (Au)Form........................... ...............Gold Dust/nugget PowderQuantity....................... ..............120kg and As Per Availability AlwaysQuality/Purity................. ..............22+CaratFiness......................... ................92% or betterLocation....................... ............... MaliOrigin......................... .................MaliPrice per Kg................................$16, 000 USD/KG (Negotiable)
In Future We Also Wish To Invest The Returns We Have from Gold Dust Au Sales In other Lucrative Businesses, thus, we might seek your advice if possible.
We welcome all inquiries about details and procedures.
Accept our Warm Regards, 733 222 01
Mr. Modibo Mali
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Fake email warning as new scam hits Australia
This time the scammers have claimed an association with Google to bolster their bogus £500,000 GBP offer to unsuspecting internet users.
The Australian Government has the power to control the inflow of these sorts of emails into Australia.
If they can legally halt serious pornography and terrorism on the internet, they should be taking action to halt these consumer scams which are financially destroying many unsuspecting Australian families.
Be warned about this latest scam. Warn your family and friends and trash this trash.
This is a copy of the latest email scam which hit Australia overnight:
Subject: Google Online Promotions
Dear e-mail user,
Your e-mail has emerged as a winner of £500,000.00 GBP (Five hundred thousand British Pounds) in our on-going Google Promotion.
Your Winning details are as follows: Computer Generated Profile Numbers (CGPN):7-22-71-00-66-12, Ticket number: 00869575733664, Serial numbers: BTD/8070447706/06, Lucky numbers: 12-12-23-35-40-41(12).
Contact Mr Graham Benfield, for more details through the contact below:
Mr Graham Benfield,
Mrs. Sherry William.
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KFC's 11 Secret Herbs and Spices Cracked!
(Courtesy ACA)
Celebrity Australian chef Peter Russell-Clarke has finally cracked KFC's 50-year old secret recipe of the 11 secret herbs.
Ten of the mysterious ingredients are found in almost every Australian kitchen.
Number 11 is the dreaded MSG, Peter Russell-Clarke says.
According to an official Russell-Clarke taste test, his concoction is exactly the same as the KFC original.
Colonel Harland Sanders would turn in his grave.
Is nothing sacred or secret anymore?
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Media Release: Heart patient falls asleep at wheel on busy highway after chemist wrongly dispenses sleeping tablets
- Call for State Government crackdown on chemists after near accident on Ipswich Motorway when heart patient wrongly given sleeping tablets -
A state government investigation is underway into an incident on the Ipswich Motorway when a driver fell asleep at the wheel of his car after mistakenly being given sleeping tablets instead of heart tablets by his local chemist.
The Redbank man had been wrongly taking the sleeping tablets for 5 days before the mistake was discovered.
He pulled over at the Goodna exit during the peak hour rush after nodding off on the 100,000 vehicles a day motorway.
The driver later confronted the chemist and has lodged an official complaint with the Pharmacists Board which is investigating the incident.
Queensland Consumer Watch spokesman Paul Tully has called for a crackdown on chemists dispensing wrong prescriptions.
He said the case highlighted the need for chemists to take more care in dealing with the public.
"The average consumer wouldn't know the fancy names being used by pharmaceutical companies and could easily be confused if given the wrong medication.
"This incident could have resulted in a major tragedy on the Ipswich Motorway as a direct result of professional incompetence.
"Pharmacists are university trained professionals who should never get this sort of thing wrong.
"The State Government must act firmly over this potentially-deadly incident to ensure it never happens again," Paul Tully said.
(Personal details have been omitted by Queensland Consumer Watch.)
Copy of this email addressed to and faxed to:
Pharmacists Board of Queensland at Office of Health Practitioner Registration Board
To whom it may concern.
Last week I presented at my local Chemist, (name deleted), and requested Minax (Metoporol) tablets via a script supplied by Dr (name deleted).
I have been taking Minax, one tab twice a day for heart condition. The script was processed by (name deleted), the Chemist owner of the Pharmacy and on my arrival home I removed the bottle from the pharmacy packet and noticed that it was different to normal Minax.
The bottle was the same white plastic with a blue safety-lock lid and the label attached by the Chemist indicated "Metoporol" with Minax shown under but in smaller print and with the instructions to take one tablet twice a day.
The difference that I noted was that instead of the usual bland Minax original label on the bottle, the original label on this bottle was a bright purple/red label showing 'PROZAM or PRAZAM'.
It was quite noticeable and fortunately not covered over by the Chemists add-on label described above.
I noticed the different label but thought it must have been a generic brand of Minax. (My usual Avapro blood pressure tables have recently been supplied as Karvea, a generic alternative) and not knowing otherwise I believed that the Prozam was a generic brand of Minax/Metoporol. And as stated,the Chemists label indicated Metoporol/minax.
I have no qualms about using or being supplied with a generic alternative.
On the weekend I commenced to use the new bottle as the previous bottle had run out.
I noted that the tablets in the new bottle were red/orange in colour and I again assumed they were a generic substitute and continued to take one tab morning and night.
I did not get alarmed for the first few days but felt lethargic and as soon as I relaxed, tried to read the paper or watch TV, my eyes became heavy and I had a feeling of tiredness and nodding off.
I went to work, Redbank to St. Lucia Mon & Tues and felt very tired and weary, especially driving home and not responding easily to my early morning alarm wake up.
On Wed. I went by train to Wickham Terrace for a periodical ENT Specialist checkup.
I could barely stay awake on the train both ways and whilst at the Drs waiting room I kept nodding off.
Throughout that day I felt slightly squeamish in the stomach, but only slight and it did not concern me.
That Wed. night I fell asleep whilst watching TV, something I have never done before. I gave thought to the way I had been feeling and believed that I may have been getting a flu/virus or whatever.
On Thurs 6.8.09 morning I fell asleep again after the alarm and was a good hour late for work and now cannot recall my drive to work.
Again, lethargic all day and may as well have not been at work. By the time I got onto the Ipswich Motorway on the drive home I felt very tired and should not have driven and at present with the new work there is nowhere to stop safely. I turned off into the Goodna egress lane and stopped and walked around the vehicle and pondered my state of well-being.
I decided to check with the Chemist if the 'generic' tablets could be the cause, if not I would see my GP as to whether I had a flue/virus/whatever.
I got to the Chemist and spoke to (name deleted) and then retrieved the bottle which she identified as sleeping tablets and not Minax.
She was most apologetic and stated that she did not know how she made such a mistake ALTHOUGH there is a PROMINENT difference in the original labels of Minax and Prozam/Prazam.
I am now aghast at the mistake and implications, especially as I had been driving.
Luckily I deduced that I was not my normal self and sought advice. Other people or older people could have kept using the tablets until the bottle was empty or an accident/incident occurred.
I will now not leave a Chemist until I have thoroughly checked or queried every item.
One puts considerable trust in professionals such as Chemists.
I now hope that the relevant Authorities could take action to have original labels altered to show what the tablet/medicine is for in simple layman terms. MINAX with "For heart condition" or "heart treatment" shown under MINAX and PROZAM with "Sleeping tablet" or "Sedative tablet" under or next to PROZAM and etc right across the broad range of drugs/medicines/tablets.
Not knowing where to start, I have forwarded this information to the various addresses in the hope that the recipients can help towards amending or clarifying such anomalies that could be disastrous and to ensure that Chemists take better care.
I do not believe that proper care was taken by the Chemist when my script was dispensed.
If necessary this letter could be shortened to: Patient believed sleeping tablets dispensed and labelled by a Chemist for heart condition treatment, to be a generic brand in lieu of the normal heart treatment tablet, until uncharacteristic tiredness caused the patient to ask questions.
A simple addition to the label showing what the medicine is for in simple terms would reduce mistaken use.
(Name deleted)
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More internet scams hit Australia
Be warned and warn your friends.
Subject: Mrs Kadi Ouedraogo Donation!
Dear friend,
Greeting in the name of our lord Jesus Christ.
I am Mrs.Kadi Ouedraogo, a widow to late Adama Ouedraogo.
I am 52 years old, a new Christian convert, suffering from long time pancreatic cancer.
From all indication, my condition is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that I won't live more than six months according to my doctors.
This is because the cancer has gotten to a very bad stage.
My late husband was killed during the Cote'd Ivoire civil war, and during the period of our marriage we couldn't produce any child.
My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his business and wealth.
The doctors has advised me that I may not live more than six months so I now decided to divide the part this wealth, to contribute to the development of the less privileged ones around the globe.
I selected you after visiting the Internet and I prayed over it.
I am willing to donate the sum of 5,000,000 US dollars, to help, widow and they less privileged ones in the rural areas.
Please I want to note that this fund is lying in a state owned bank.
I honestly pray that this money, when transferred will be used for the said purpose because I have come to find out that wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity.
May the grace of our lord Jesus the love of God and the fellowship of the holy sprite be with you and your family.
I await your urgent reply.
Mrs. Kadi Ouedraogo
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Ipswich is the big winner with the new SEQ Regional Plan released today
Ipswich is the big winner under the new Southeast Queensland Regional Plan released today by the State Government.
Residential, commercial and industrial development combined with the protection of key environmental areas are the main themes for Ipswich.
This is a synopsis of the SEQ Regional Plan 2009 - 2031 in relation to Ipswich:
Implications for the City of Ipswich
The SEQ Regional Plan provides a land use planning framework for Queensland, effectively identifying a hierarchy of planning policy and priority responsibility between State Agencies, and Local Government and the key delivery mechanisms for implementing both statutory and non-statutory planning policy.
The Plan forecasts that Ipswich's population will grow from 142,400 persons (2006) to 435,000 persons by 2031 an increase of 292,600 persons over 25 years, i.e. an average of 11,704 persons per year.
To accommodate this growth, dwelling production needs to grow from 52,300 dwellings in 2006 to 118,000 dwellings in 2031. An increase of 65,700 dwellings over 25 years, i.e. an average of 2,628 dwellings per year.
The Plan also advocates that of these additional dwellings 18,000 will be constructed as infill development in existing urban areas of the City.
Economy and Employment
The Plan recognises the principal regional activity status of Ipswich CBD and Springfield Town Centre; and the major regional activity functions of Goodna and the future Ripley Urban Core.
The administrative, cultural and community functions of the Ipswich CBD are promoted as well as its sub-regional retail and commercial functions.
In addition to the employment offered by the City's significant centres, Ipswich has major existing and future employment generators in Ebenezer/Willowbank, Swanbank, New Chum, Riverview/Bundamba, Redbank Peninsula, Wulkuraka, Carole Park, RAAF Base Amberley and the Amberley Aerospace and Defence Support Centre. These employment opportunities not only provide the City with a robust and growing economy but will ensure a high level of employment self-containment and be a major contributor to the Region's employment growth.
Identified Growth Areas
Lanefield-Grandchester is identified as a future growth area requiring significant investigation to determine its suitability for urban growth.
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Sea World and Movie World are a disgrace to Queensland
What could be more un-Australian than having security guards rifling through people's bags searching for cut sandwiches, biscuits or fruit.
With the crackerjack admission and food prices charged by these two theme parks, no wonder parents are forced to bring their own lunches to save a few dollars just so their kids can enjoy the entertainment provided.
This is truly appalling what these two outlets have done.
Imagine being greeted on arrival by security guards determined to prevent one morsel of contraband food passing through the turnstiles of Sea World or Movie World.
Local consumers and international visitors should vote with their feet and boycott these venues which have destroyed the fun of a day out at Queensland theme park.
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Queensland Liquor Licensing turns the law into an ass!
On the one hand, they are moving quite sensibly to ban glass liquor containers in hot spots including venues which provide entertainment, or have a history of violent incidents or trade past 3am.
But the apparently unbending 3am rule will force the Qantas Club and the Chairman's Lounge at the Brisbane Airport to serve all liquor in flimsy plastic cups.
This is bureaucracy gone mad.
Airline travellers pay hundreds of dollars a year for the privilege of using the relatively-civilised facilities of the Qantas Club.
Now, businessmen and women will be treated no differently from beer-swilling yobbos looking for a fight who frequent Brisbane's nightclubs and dingy bars.
When was the last time anyone saw a punch-up or glassing incident at the Qantas Club?
This latest edict by Liquor Licensing against the Qantas Club shows how out of touch they are with reality.
They should be targetting the genuinely high-risk venues not respectable establishments like the Brisbane Qantas Club.
Because of this ill-thought decision, Kevin Rudd will be the only Government leader in the world who will have to drink his wine from a plastic cup when he passes through the Chairman's Lounge of his local airport.
Think again Liquor Licensing.
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Support for lowering Australia's voting age to 16
Some of the individual states in the US are already considering, or implementing, a lower voting age.
The voting age was last changed across Australia 35 years ago as it became obvious that younger, more-mature individuals had the capacity to take on the responsibilities of adulthood prior to the age of 21.
I first advocated reducing the voting age to 16 almost 20 years ago and again promoted the idea in March 2008.
Modern sixteen year olds have the commonsense, maturity and interest in community issues to justify a reduction in the voting age to 16.
The only real question is:
How soon will it happen?
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Australia Post announcement
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Rocklea trots closes for the last time today
The last race ever at Rocklea was run today.
This is truly the end of an era.
Punters - big and small - had tales to tell of decades of happy punting at the unique Rocklea track.
The big question is:
Can Marburg fill the gap?
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JB HI-FI upsets customers by skirting around the Trade Practices Act
Its latest catalogue proudly proclaims on page 2 that customers can get a free Wii Sports Resort by trading in "2 Wii games"*.
That's right. There's a tiny asterisk which takes you to te bottom of the page in even tinier print - which almost needs a magnifying glass to read - which has a list of rules and requirements and at the end it states:
"Some exclusions may apply, for a detailed list go to"
That's fair enough. There must always be some exceptions or exclusions to offers which seem too good to be true because they usually are!
One parent - a long-time large spending JB HI-FI customer - who thought he was doing the right thing this week by his Wii-fanatic son made a 34km round trip into JB HI-FI's Riverlink store in Ipswich to take advantage of the advertised offer.
He was flatly refused because the 2 exchange Wii games were not in their original packaging!
The young boy was in tears thanks to this insidious and deceptive advertising.
This was hardly classifiable in a legal sense as simply an "exclusion". It was apparently a fundamental requirement of the offer to obtain the free Wii device and should have been clearly and specifically mentioned in the body of the actual advertisement.
This is a new derivative of the old "bait and switch" advertising technique in the 1970s - hook 'em in and try to flog them something else when the original offer is unavailable or wrapped up in a myriad of impossible conditions.
So what does the JB HI-FI website say about the conditions of trade?
Again, in tiny tiny print, customers are told they must provide the original case and manual.
There is nothing about this in the main glossy advertisement which has been used to deliberately suck customers into JB HI-FI stores.
It seems the main trade-in requirement has been deliberately left out to induce customers to come to a store to be told the bad news.
The ACCC needs to crack down on this sort of trickery.
Customers who travel in good faith over long distances are being duped by these fine print exclusion clauses.
JB HI-FI has a legal and moral duty to comply with section 52 of the Trade Practices Act 1974 which outlaws "misleading or deceptive" conduct in trade or commerce.
The ACCC must take legal action against these unscrupulous practices which are constantly conning Australian consumers.
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Media Release: Government taxi plan backed as Ipswich ripoffs revealed
They come in the wake of allegations by an Ipswich taxi driver whistle blower that one of his colleagues charged a woman an extra fee - because she was overweight.
Other allegations revealed in today's Queensland Times include:
• An illegal $10 surcharge on public holidays.
• Passengers being forced to pay for the air-conditioning to be turned on or to use the taxi's GPS system.
Consumer Watch spokesman said another reported incident involved a taxi driver who refused to leave his cab to open a gate for a blind passenger.
"These incidents are appalling and the drivers involved should be booted out of the industry.
"The government should crack down hard on these rogue operators.
"Taxi users should report any incidents to the Transport Department," Paul Tully said.
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