
Centrebet betting tips ALP win

Today's Herald/Nielsen poll in The Sydney Morning Herald showing a 52:48 two-party preferred split to Tony Abbott may well prove a "rogue poll" - the sort of result dreaded by pollsters which are one-off aberrations of voters' true intentions.
At the other end of the political spectrum, the latest figures must be very heartening for Julia Gillard and the ALP.
In the critical NSW seat of Eden-Monaro, Labor's Mike Kelly is listed at $1.32 while the Liberal candidate is running a clear second at $3.10.  For decades, whichever party wins Eden-Monaro wins the nation.
At a national level, the ALP is $1.42 while the Coalition is languishing under the Mad Monk at $2.75.
On those figures, Julia Gillard can take great comfort over the next 3 weeks.
It's often been said the Centrebet bookies know best, so despite today's SMH poll, the Mad Monk should keep his budgie-smugglers close by as he will have plenty of time to relax over the next three years as the defeated Federal Opposition Leader.
How soon before Malcom Turnbull proves the souffle can rise twice?