
Suncorp stands out like a beacon in Queensland

With most of the other insurance companies making Scrooge look like the model of benevolence, Suncorp is standing out like a beacon to the people of Queensland.

In the wake of the state's disastrous floods, insurance companies have preyed on the very people who have paid billions of dollars in premiums over the years with subtle legal distinctions between floodwater, rainwater and storm damage.

In today's Sunday Mail, a full page advertisement by Suncorp on page 22 details the differences between flash flooding, riverine flooding,water damage and storm damage.

Whereas many other insurance companies slip and slide around these definitions like a boa constrictor, Suncorp covers them all automatically.

Suncorp remains true to its original SGIO roots as the people's insurance company of Queensland.

If householders have been dumped by their insurance company, they should dump them forever and go with the company which has protected Queenslanders for over four generations.